Let's Talk About Your Needs


Which is the better storage option: Cloud or on-premise?

On premise storage is the storage of data in local servers, computers or other devices. With the advent of new innovations like cloud and...

Start Considering an Enterprise Backup Solution That is Cloud-Ready

It is commonly accepted that a data stored in a server, irrespective of the server’s nature, will face danger soon or later. In fact,...

Advanced Analytics for SAP Data with Azure

Recently many SAP workloads throughout the world are being migrated to Microsoft Azure from on-premise environments because of low expenditure, high efficiency and rapid...

The Future with Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is going through a number of changes which have led to many innovations that offer cloud users with easier and better modus...

Why Dev/Test Environment For SAP is Preferred on Azure?

Everything human beings have invented is to make our lives easier and more productive. The purpose of software testing is the same- To make...

Affordable Enterprise-Grade Disaster Recovery Using Microsoft Azure

Unforeseen events take place very frequently in our day-to-day lives. It is not surprising to understand that all industries, regardless of which field they...

Why ‘SAP on Azure’ would be the right choice for the future of your business?

Last few years have seen large and medium enterprises moving to cloud. When an organization plans its cloud journey a number of factors will...

Extensive Business Benefits Make Cloud Indispensable

The best part of transforming to cloud is that most of the hard work is already done. The advantages are all for you to...

Understand why Migrating SAP to cloud makes sense!

SAP Customers: The future is cloud. Are you in it? In this cutthroat business environment, achieving results and outcomes are the need of the hour. There...

Cloud Computing- The ideal solution for every business

In this digital era, as majority of employees wanting to work at their own pace, coupled with cloud backup and disaster recovery, cloud computing...

Most Read

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cloud Solutions

by Varunesh Mathur, Kaushik Kanchan, Tushar Mehrotra, Rohit Pandey | 5 Dec 2023 | Read Time: 10mins Introduction In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud computing...

Leveraging Cloud Analytics for Sales Forecasting and Decision Making

Author: Varunesh Mathur, Kaushik Kanchan, Tushar Mehrotra, Rohit Pandey Introduction : In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud computing has become an indispensable technology for...

Unleash the Potential of Cloud Modernization via Containerization with AWS & Redington

Author: Varunesh Mathur, Kaushik Kanchan, Tushar Mehrotra, Rohit Pandey Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving digital world, organizations need to update and modernize their applications to...

Redington’s solution on persistent storage for high-performance workloads using Amazon FSx for Lustre

Challenges Let's start with a high-level overview of some of the problems that many firms have in a typical on-premises high-performance Lustre-based persistent files system...