On Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, containers have become a potent solution for modernizing software development and deployment. Containers provide an excellent choice for CTOs and company decision-makers looking for ways to optimize their cloud computing strategy since they provide benefits, which includes enhanced scalability, rapid application deployment, cheaper infrastructure expenses, and increased flexibility

Kubernetes adoption difficulties

Adaption to new tools and features

Adaption to new tools and features

The first step towards embracing cloud native is Kubernetes. New tools and projects are being developed within the community to improve cloud-native capabilities. It requires significant an enormous amount of time and effort to comprehend and assess these technologies.

Difficulties in Integration

Difficulties in Integration

Kubernetes requires a own set of tools. Integrating next-generation technologies and platforms into existing infrastructure and business processes, on the other hand, is both technically and culturally complex. Kubernetes adoption success, meanwhile, significantly rely on clear connection with current corporate objectives and operational processes.

Difficulties in Integration

Fast Pace of Change

Every three months, Kubernetes releases a new minor version. Every few months, the engineering staff is stretched thin by feature requests, and the cycle of learning about the changes, testing the release, and moving out to production demands a significant investment.

Exceptional Skill set required

Exceptional Skill set required

Because of its difficult learning curve, Kubernetes is infamous. A thorough understanding of Kubernetes' architecture, features, and design is necessary for successful operation. Teams frequently cannot afford the ramp-up time that is necessary for it.

Growing Security Concerns

Growing Security Concerns

Kubernetes has become a favorite target for attacks as a result of its quick growth in popularity. Every firm should be interested in learning how to use Kubernetes while avoiding security flaws.

Benefits of Kubernetes Cluster
Deployment on AWS

Exceptional Skill set required

Portability and Consistency

Exceptional Skill set required

Scalability and Efficiency

Exceptional Skill set required

Security and Isolation

Exceptional Skill set required

Rapid Development

Exceptional Skill set required

Microservices Architecture

Exceptional Skill set required

Easier Application Scaling

Exceptional Skill set required

Resource Utilization and Cost Savings

Exceptional Skill set required

Simplified Development and Testing

Cluster Management

Cluster Design and Architecture Planning
Cluster Deployment and Configuration
Cluster Upgrades and Scaling
Cluster Monitoring and Maintenance
Cluster High Availability Planning and Implementation
Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation
Backup and Restore Services
Failover and Replication Services
Cluster Security Planning and Implementation
Access Management and Identity Services
Data Protection and Encryption Services
Compliance and Governance Services
Performance Monitoring and Tuning Services
Capacity Planning and Optimization Services
Resource Management and Optimization Services
Network and Storage Optimization Services
Cluster Migration Planning and Implementation
Cloud to Cloud Migration Services
On-premise to Cloud Migration Services
Integration Services with Other Cloud Services and Platforms
Cluster Design and Architecture Consulting
Cluster Best Practices and Governance Consulting
Cluster Strategy and Planning
24/7 Support and Maintenance

Our Offerings

Our offering enables customers in constructing Amazon Kubernetes clusters whereby a Multi-AZ environment is implemented to provide high availability to their end users. This Microservices Environment includes Amazon DocumentDB, which is fully managed, fast, scalable, and highly available, with built-in security best practices and continuous backups. Large organizations, governments, financial institutions, and regulated entities are among the target consumers for identifying technology risks and upgrading legacy systems to improve productivity.

Additional Kubernetes Offerings

Exceptional Skill set required

Creating Enterprise Grade H/A Kubernetes Clusters

Exceptional Skill set required

Monitoring Kubernetes Using Prometheus And Grafana

Exceptional Skill set required

Managing & Administering Kubernetes Cluster

Exceptional Skill set required

Customizable Kubernetes Deployment

Exceptional Skill set required

Orchestrating Application Deployments On K8s

Exceptional Skill set required

Securing K8s Clusters Using Security Strategies Like Aws Secret Manager, Vault, Psp & Others

Exceptional Skill set required

Building Reliable And Scalable Environments In Kubernetes

Exceptional Skill set required

Performance Engineering In Kubernetes

DevOps Toolkit and Technology Stack



Managed Services

Common case studies

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments


Disaster Recovery and High Availability

Customizable Kubernetes Deployment

Video Streaming and Delivery

E-Commerce Platforms Secret Manager, Vault, Psp & Others

DevOps and CI/CD Pipelines

Read more here

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