Seamless SAP Cloud Migration
Elevate Your Workload to AWS

25% Cost Reduction

compared to their previous cloud environment.

Zero Downtime

leading to smooth migration.

Efficient Infrastructure Management

with AWS's operating model.

Minimized human intervention

with automated deployments, enabling rapid time-to-market.

Uneecops Technologies

Uneecops Technologies is a leading provider of comprehensive technology solutions for businesses. They specialize in developing and implementing cutting-edge IT products and solutions to meet the needs of various business models in the rapidly evolving cloud, digital, and technology landscape as a preferred partner to CIO office..


Uneecops was running their SAP workload in a public cloud environment, utilizing both HANA and MSSQL databases. They found themselves facing a critical decision:
whether to continue with their current cloud vendor or switch to AWS. Their key concerns were reliability, performance, security, and cost-effectiveness.

Proposed Solution:

Redington, as a trusted partner, proposed a comprehensive solution to address Uneecops' challenges, focusing on a structured approach:

Assessment Phase: Redington initiated the project with a thorough assessment, delving into resource evaluation, workload analysis, and cost projections. This phase also included a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) comparison, workload migration strategies, and target architecture planning. Furthermore, Redington conducted a Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA) to gauge Uneecops' preparedness for cloud adoption.

Mobilize Phase: During this phase, Redington and Uneecops collaborated on a Proof of Concept (PoC) with a minimal workload. The PoC served to familiarize Uneecops with the migration process and establish success criteria. Redington set up an AWS Landing Zone, enabling efficient multi-account architecture management, identity and access management, governance, data security, network design, and logging. Additionally, they performed an AWS Well-Architected Review to identify and rectify design issues while adhering to best practices.

Migration Phase: Redington executed the migration of Uneecops' actual workloads within a timeframe of four to six weeks. They employed AWS CDK templates to ensure a robust deployment approach. Database replication was carried out concurrently within specified deadlines, and contingency plans were established for a seamless transition.

Enhancements and Security Measures: The entire process required effective team coordination, strategic planning, and evaluation of different platforms. Additionally, Redington utilized other AWS features to enhance the customer's environment, including:

AWS Services used

AWS Control Tower, AWS Organizations, Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Block Store(EBS), Amazon VPC, AWS VPN, AWS Backup, AWS IAM, Amazon S3, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon CloudWatch


Redington followed AWS well architected framework to achieve the most secure and cost-effective environment. The outcomes were:

Problem-free transition between the Pilot and the Migration phases.
Complete Applications and Databases migration completed with minimal downtime and negligible business impact.
Significant improvement in applications performance
AWS operating model helped manage the infrastructure better.
Enhanced support
Automated deployments minimized human intervention, enabling rapid go-to-market.
Uneecops achieved 25% cost reduction compared to their previous environment.
All migrated workloads are currently running smoothly on AWS without any downtime.

Redington Can help you in your
cloud transformational journey

Let us know your area of interest so that we can together build,
manage and monitor your IT infrastructure impeccably

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