The customer is a world leader in commercial refrigeration.
It caters to a diverse clientele with varied needs by
bringing technology, durability, and low energy consumption for businesses.
The Brazil-based customer approached Redington, seeking expert
advice to chart its migration plan.



The customer had over 11 servers in a single datacenter. Redington used one Vanguard to carry out a detailed assessment of the environment to generate incisive and insightful reports that charted the course for the customer’s future migration plan.

All Round Benefit:


Redington used Spotlight to deliver Cloud assessment services to its customer. The partner scanned and assessed the customer’s datacenter using our platform and generated detailed reports. The reports on migration feasibilities for the datacenter and its servers were shared with the customer.

By using Spotlight, Redington helped the customer to analyze their datacenters and formulate an optimum migration strategy.

Redington Can help you in your
cloud transformational journey

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